import json
import sys
import os
from io import BytesIO
import datashader as ds
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import dask.array as da
import datashader.transfer_functions as tf
import datashader.reductions as rd
from datashader.colors import rgb
import xarray as xr
from xrspatial import hillshade
from xrspatial.classify import quantile
from xrspatial.utils import height_implied_by_aspect_ratio
from mapshader.mercator import MercatorTileDefinition
from mapshader.sources import MapSource
from .multifile import MultiFileRaster
import spatialpandas as spd
tile_def = MercatorTileDefinition(x_range=(-20037508.34, 20037508.34),
y_range=(-20037508.34, 20037508.34))
[docs]def create_agg(source: MapSource,
xmin: float = None, ymin: float = None,
xmax: float = None, ymax: float = None,
x: float = None, y: float = None,
z: float = None,
height: int = 256, width: int = 256):
Instantiate an abstract canvas representing the space and compute
a reduction by pixel according to the geometry type applying the
aggregation function defined in source.
source : mapshader.sources.MapSource
The map source object.
xmin : float
X-axis minimum range.
ymin : float
Y-axis minimum range.
xmax :float
X-axis maximum range.
ymax : float
Y-axis maximum range.
x, y, z : float
The coordinates to be used to get the bounds inclusive space along the axis.
height : int, default=256
Height of the output aggregate in pixels.
width : int, default=256
Width of the output aggregate in pixels.
agg : xarray.DataArray
The transformed datasource.
if x is not None and y is not None and z is not None:
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = tile_def.get_tile_meters(x, y, z)
elif xmin is None or xmax is None or ymin is None or ymax is None:
raise ValueError('extent must be provided to create_agg()')
xfield = source.xfield
yfield = source.yfield
zfield = source.zfield
geometry_field = source.geometry_field
agg_func = source.agg_func
geometry_type = source.geometry_type
if isinstance(, MultiFileRaster):
dataset =,
# Note this is really an xr.DataArray.
if dataset is None:
dataset =, ymin, xmax, ymax,,
elif z and z in source.overviews:
print(f'Using overview: {z}', file=sys.stdout)
dataset = source.overviews[z]
dataset =
cvs = ds.Canvas(plot_width=width, plot_height=height,
x_range=(xmin, xmax), y_range=(ymin, ymax))
if geometry_type == 'point':
return point_aggregation(cvs, dataset, xfield, yfield, zfield, geometry_field, agg_func)
elif geometry_type == 'line':
return line_aggregation(cvs, dataset, zfield, agg_func)
elif geometry_type == 'polygon':
return polygon_aggregation(cvs, dataset, zfield, agg_func)
elif geometry_type == 'raster':
return raster_aggregation(cvs, dataset, agg_func, padding=source.raster_padding)
raise ValueError('Unkown geometry type for {}'.format(dataset['name']))
[docs]def point_aggregation(cvs, data, xfield, yfield, zfield, geometry_field, agg_func):
Compute a reduction by pixel, mapping data to pixels as points.
cvs : datashader.Canvas
The input canvas.
data : pandas.DataFrame, dask.DataFrame, or xarray.DataArray/Dataset
The input datasource.
xfield, yfield, zfield : str
Column names for the x, y, and z coordinates of each point.
geometry_field: str
Column name for geometry field. If provided, the xfield and yfield arguments will be ignored
agg_func : Reduction, optional
Reduction to compute. Default is ``count()``.
agg : xarray.DataArray
The transformed datasource.
if zfield:
if xfield and yfield:
return cvs.points(data, xfield, yfield, getattr(ds, agg_func)(zfield))
elif geometry_field:
return cvs.points(
data, agg=getattr(ds, agg_func)(zfield), geometry=geometry_field
raise ValueError('None of xfield, yfield, or geometry_field was provided')
if xfield and yfield:
return cvs.points(data, xfield, yfield)
elif geometry_field:
return cvs.points(data, geometry=geometry_field)
raise ValueError('None of xfield, yfield, or geometry_field was provided')
[docs]def line_aggregation(cvs, data, zfield, agg_func):
Compute a reduction by pixel, mapping data to pixels as one or more lines.
cvs : datashader.Canvas
The input canvas.
data : pandas.DataFrame, dask.DataFrame, or xarray.DataArray/Dataset
The input datasource.
zfield : str
Column names for z coordinate of each point.
agg_func : Reduction, optional
Reduction to compute. Default is ``any()``.
agg : xarray.DataArray
The transformed datasource.
if zfield:
return cvs.line(data,
agg=getattr(ds, agg_func)(zfield))
return cvs.line(data, geometry='geometry')
[docs]def polygon_aggregation(cvs, data, zfield, agg_func):
Compute a reduction by pixel, mapping data to pixels as one or
more filled polygons.
cvs : datashader.Canvas
The input canvas.
data : pandas.DataFrame, dask.DataFrame, or xarray.DataArray/Dataset
The input datasource.
zfield : str
Column names for z coordinate of each point.
agg_func : Reduction, optional
Reduction to compute. Default is ``any()``.
agg : xarray.DataArray
The transformed datasource.
if zfield:
return cvs.polygons(data,
agg=getattr(ds, agg_func)(zfield))
return cvs.polygons(data, 'geometry')
[docs]def raster_aggregation(cvs, data, interpolate='linear', padding=0, agg_method=rd.max()):
Sample a raster dataset by canvas size and bounds.
cvs : datashader.Canvas
The input canvas.
data : xarray.DataArray, xr.Dataset or dask.Array
The input datasource.
interpolate : str, default=linear
Resampling mode when upsampling raster.
Options include: nearest, linear.
padding : int, default=0
The padding to be added over the coordinates bounds range.
agg_method : Reduction, default=datashader.reductions.max()
Resampling mode when downsampling raster. The supported
options include: first, last, mean, mode, var, std, min,
The agg can be specified as either a string name or as a
reduction function, but note that the function object will
be used only to extract the agg type (mean, max, etc.) and
the optional column name; the hardcoded raster code
supports only a fixed set of reductions and ignores the
actual code of the provided agg.
agg : xarray.DataArray
The transformed datasource.
xmin, xmax = cvs.x_range
ymin, ymax = cvs.y_range
xdrange = (xmax - xmin) * (1 + 2 * padding)
ydrange = (ymax - ymin) * (1 + 2 * padding)
xsize = cvs.plot_width * (1 + 2 * padding)
ysize = cvs.plot_height * (1 + 2 * padding)
if padding > 0:
new_xmin = xmin - xdrange
new_ymin = ymin - ydrange
new_xmax = xmin + xdrange
new_ymax = xmin + ydrange
new_xmin = xmin
new_ymin = ymin
new_xmax = xmax
new_ymax = ymax
stcvs = ds.Canvas(plot_width=xsize,
x_range=(new_xmin, new_xmax),
y_range=(new_ymin, new_ymax))
agg = stcvs.raster(data, interpolate=interpolate, agg=agg_method)
# revert to match the coord system =[::-1]
except ValueError:
agg = xr.DataArray(np.zeros(shape=(ysize, xsize), dtype=np.uint32),
coords={'x': np.linspace(new_xmin, new_xmax, xsize),
'y': np.linspace(new_ymin, new_ymax, ysize)},
dims=['x', 'y'])
return agg
additional_transforms = {'hillshade': hillshade,
'quantile': quantile}
[docs]def shade_discrete(agg, color_key, name='shaded', alpha=255, nodata=0):
Convert a DataArray to an image by choosing an RGBA pixel color
for each value by discrete approach.
agg : xarray.DataArray
The input datasource.
color_key : dict
Categories colors.
name : str, default=shaded
Name of the datasource array.
alpha : int, default=255
Value between 0 - 255 representing the alpha value to use for
colormapped pixels that contain data.
nodata : int, default=0
The maximum data value, all the values less than this will be
replaced with 0.
img : xarray.DataArray
A DataArray representing an image.
if not agg.ndim == 2:
raise ValueError("agg must be 2D")
data = ds.utils.orient_array(agg)
# check for dask array
if isinstance(data, da.Array):
data = data.compute()
data = data.copy()
# support grouped color_key
first_cat = tuple(color_key.keys())[0]
if isinstance(first_cat, (list, tuple)):
cats = []
colors = []
for categories, val in color_key.items():
cor = rgb(val)
for c in categories:
cats = color_key.keys()
colors = [rgb(color_key[c]) for c in cats]
rs, gs, bs = map(np.array, zip(*colors))
h, w = agg.shape
r = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
g = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
b = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
for i, c in enumerate(cats):
value_mask = data == c
r[value_mask] = rs[i]
g[value_mask] = gs[i]
b[value_mask] = bs[i]
a = np.where(np.logical_or(np.isnan(r), r <= nodata), 0, alpha)
img = np.dstack((r, g, b, a)).astype('uint8').view(dtype=np.uint32).reshape(a.shape)
return tf.Image(img, coords=agg.coords, dims=agg.dims, name=name)
[docs]def shade_agg(source: MapSource, agg: xr.DataArray, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
Convert a DataArray to an image by choosing an RGBA pixel color
for each value.
source : mapshader.sources.MapSource
The input datasource.
agg : xarray.DataArray
The input datasource.
xmin : float
X-axis minimum range.
ymin : float
Y-axis minimum range.
xmax : float
X-axis maximum range.
ymax : float
Y-axis maximum range.
img : xarray.DataArray
A DataArray representing an image.
df =
zfield = source.zfield
geometry_type = source.geometry_type
how = source.shade_how
cmap = source.cmap
span = source.span
if isinstance(cmap, dict): =
return shade_discrete(agg, color_key=cmap)
if span and span == 'min/max' and geometry_type == 'raster':
# TODO: make this work for dask
# TODO: don't need to calculate min each time...move into MapSource
print('Shade Raster with Span ({}, {})'.format(float(df.min().item()),
float(df.max().item()) + 1))
img = tf.shade(agg, cmap=cmap,
how=how, span=(int(df.min(skipna=True).item()),
# TODO: don't do this unless we need to...check source.padding
return img.loc[{'x': slice(xmin, xmax), 'y': slice(ymax, ymin)}]
elif span and span == 'min/max':
print('Shade with Span')
return tf.shade(agg, cmap=cmap, how=how, span=(np.nanmin(df[zfield]),
elif isinstance(span, (tuple, list)):
return tf.shade(agg, cmap=cmap, how=how, span=span)
print('Shade without Span')
return tf.shade(agg, cmap=cmap, how=how)
[docs]def to_raster(source: MapSource,
xmin: float = None, ymin: float = None,
xmax: float = None, ymax: float = None,
height: int = None, width: int = None):
Export a MapSource object to a raster object.
source : mapshader.sources.MapSource
The input datasource.
xmin : float
X-axis minimum range.
ymin : float
Y-axis minimum range.
xmax : float
X-axis maximum range.
ymax : float
Y-axis maximum range.
height : int
Height of the output aggregate in pixels.
width : int
Width of the output aggregate in pixels.
if height is None and width is None:
width = 1000
sxmin, symin, sxmax, symax = source.full_extent
if xmin is None:
xmin = sxmin
if ymin is None:
ymin = symin
if xmax is None:
xmax = sxmax
if ymax is None:
ymax = symax
# handle null h/w
if height is None:
x_range, y_range = ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax))
height = height_implied_by_aspect_ratio(width, x_range, y_range)
if width is None:
x_range, y_range = ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax))
width = height_implied_by_aspect_ratio(height, y_range, x_range)
# handle out of bounds
if xmin < sxmin and ymin < symin and xmax > symax and ymax > symax:
agg = tf.Image(np.zeros(shape=(height, width), dtype=np.uint32),
coords={'x': np.linspace(xmin, xmax, width),
'y': np.linspace(ymin, ymax, height)},
dims=['x', 'y'])
return agg
return create_agg(source, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, None, None, None, height, width)
[docs]def render_map(source: MapSource, # noqa: C901
xmin: float = None, ymin: float = None,
xmax: float = None, ymax: float = None,
x: float = None, y: float = None,
z: float = None,
height: int = None, width: int = None):
Export a MapSource object to a map object.
source : mapshader.sources.MapSource
The input datasource.
xmin : float
X-axis minimum range.
ymin : float
Y-axis minimum range.
xmax : float
X-axis maximum range.
ymax : float
Y-axis maximum range.
x, y, z : float
The coordinates to be used to get the bounds inclusive space along the axis.
height : int
Height of the output aggregate in pixels.
width : int
Width of the output aggregate in pixels.
if x is not None and y is not None and z is not None:
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = tile_def.get_tile_meters(x, y, z)
sxmin, symin, sxmax, symax = source.full_extent
# handle null extent
if xmin is None:
xmin = sxmin
if ymin is None:
ymin = symin
if xmax is None:
xmax = sxmax
if ymax is None:
ymax = symax
# handle null h/w
if height is None and width is None:
width = 1000
if height is None:
x_range, y_range = ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax))
height = height_implied_by_aspect_ratio(width, x_range, y_range)
if width is None:
x_range, y_range = ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax))
width = height_implied_by_aspect_ratio(height, y_range, x_range)
# handle out of bounds
if xmax < sxmin or ymax < symin or xmin > symax or ymin > symax:
agg = tf.Image(np.zeros(shape=(height, width), dtype=np.uint32),
coords={'x': np.linspace(xmin, xmax, width),
'y': np.linspace(ymin, ymax, height)},
dims=['x', 'y'])
img = shade_agg(source, agg, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
agg = create_agg(source, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, x, y, z, height, width)
if source.span and isinstance(source.span, (list, tuple)):
agg = agg.where((agg >= source.span[0]) & (agg <= source.span[1]))
source, agg = apply_additional_transforms(source, agg)
img = shade_agg(source, agg, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
# apply dynamic spreading ----------
if source.dynspread and source.dynspread > 0:
img = tf.dynspread(img, threshold=1, max_px=int(source.dynspread))
return img
def tile_to_disk(img, output_location, z=0, x=0, y=0, tile_format='png'):
Write a tile image to local disk
img: xarray.DataArray
aggregation data array of the tile to write to image
x, y, z : float
The coordinates to be used to get the bounds inclusive space along the axis.
output_location: str
Path to write tile image
tile_file_name = '{}.{}'.format(y, tile_format.lower())
tile_directory = os.path.join(output_location, str(z), str(x))
except OSError as e:
import errno
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
output_file = os.path.join(tile_directory, tile_file_name)
# save to local disk
print(f'Writing tile ({x, y, z}) to {output_file}'), tile_format)
return output_file
def tile_to_s3(img, output_location, z=0, x=0, y=0, tile_format='png'):
import boto3
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('conda install boto3 to enable rendering to S3')
from urlparse import urlparse
except ImportError:
from urllib.parse import urlparse
s3_info = urlparse(output_location)
bucket = s3_info.netloc
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
tile_file_name = '{}.{}'.format(y, tile_format.lower())
key = os.path.join(s3_info.path, str(z), str(x), tile_file_name).lstrip('/')
output_buf = BytesIO(), tile_format)
s3_client.put_object(Body=output_buf, Bucket=bucket, Key=key, ACL='public-read')
return 'https://{}{}'.format(bucket, key)
def render_tile(source, output_location, z=0, x=0, y=0, tile_format='png'):
agg = render_map(source, x=int(x), y=int(y), z=int(z), height=256, width=256)
if 0 in agg.shape:
return None
from PIL.Image import fromarray
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('conda install pillow to enable rendering to local disk')
# flip since y tiles go down (Google map tiles)
img = fromarray(np.flip(, 0), 'RGBA')
if output_location.startswith('s3:'):
tile_to_s3(img, output_location, z, x, y, tile_format)
# write to local disk
tile_to_disk(img, output_location, z, x, y, tile_format)
[docs]def get_source_data(source: MapSource, simplify=None):
Get MapSource data and return as dict or GeoDataFrame depending on the geometry type.
source : mapshader.sources.MapSource
The input datasource.
simplify : int, default=None
Get the simplified representation of each geometry according
to the toleranced distance.
gdf : GeoDataFrame or dict
The Mapsource data
if isinstance(, spd.GeoDataFrame):
gdf =
elif isinstance(, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
gdf =
# TODO: add proper line geojson (core.render_geojson)
if source.geometry_type in ('line', 'raster'):
if simplify:
gdf = gdf.copy()
gdf[source.geometry_field] = gdf[source.geometry_field].simplify(simplify)
return gdf
[docs]def get_legend(source: MapSource):
Get the MapSource legend.
source : mapshader.sources.MapSource
The input datasource.
legend : list of dict
if source.legend is not None:
return source.legend
return []
[docs]def render_geojson(source: MapSource, simplify=None):
Export a MapSource object to a geojson object.
source : mapshader.sources.MapSource
The input datasource.
simplify : int, default=None
Get the simplified representation of each geometry according
to the toleranced distance.
geojson : string
data = get_source_data(source, simplify)
if isinstance(data, dict):
return json.dumps(data)
return data.to_json()
[docs]def render_legend(source: MapSource):
Get the MapSource legend and return as a JSON string.
source : mapshader.sources.MapSource
The input datasource.
geojson : string
return json.dumps(get_legend(source))
def render_services(services: list):
Get the MapService dictionary representation and return as a JSON string.
services : List of mapshader.service.MapService
The input datasource.
geojson : string
service_list = []
for service in services:
return json.dumps(service_list)