Source code for mapshader.core

import json
import sys
import os

from io import BytesIO

import datashader as ds
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import dask.array as da

import datashader.transfer_functions as tf
import datashader.reductions as rd
from datashader.colors import rgb

import xarray as xr

from xrspatial import hillshade
from xrspatial.classify import quantile
from xrspatial.utils import height_implied_by_aspect_ratio

from mapshader.mercator import MercatorTileDefinition
from mapshader.sources import MapSource
from .multifile import MultiFileRaster

import spatialpandas as spd

tile_def = MercatorTileDefinition(x_range=(-20037508.34, 20037508.34),
                                  y_range=(-20037508.34, 20037508.34))

[docs]def create_agg(source: MapSource, xmin: float = None, ymin: float = None, xmax: float = None, ymax: float = None, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None, height: int = 256, width: int = 256): """ Instantiate an abstract canvas representing the space and compute a reduction by pixel according to the geometry type applying the aggregation function defined in source. Parameters ---------- source : mapshader.sources.MapSource The map source object. xmin : float X-axis minimum range. ymin : float Y-axis minimum range. xmax :float X-axis maximum range. ymax : float Y-axis maximum range. x, y, z : float The coordinates to be used to get the bounds inclusive space along the axis. height : int, default=256 Height of the output aggregate in pixels. width : int, default=256 Width of the output aggregate in pixels. Returns ------- agg : xarray.DataArray The transformed datasource. """ if x is not None and y is not None and z is not None: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = tile_def.get_tile_meters(x, y, z) elif xmin is None or xmax is None or ymin is None or ymax is None: raise ValueError('extent must be provided to create_agg()') xfield = source.xfield yfield = source.yfield zfield = source.zfield geometry_field = source.geometry_field agg_func = source.agg_func geometry_type = source.geometry_type if isinstance(, MultiFileRaster): dataset =, # Note this is really an xr.DataArray. if dataset is None: dataset =, ymin, xmax, ymax,, source.transforms) elif z and z in source.overviews: print(f'Using overview: {z}', file=sys.stdout) dataset = source.overviews[z] else: dataset = cvs = ds.Canvas(plot_width=width, plot_height=height, x_range=(xmin, xmax), y_range=(ymin, ymax)) if geometry_type == 'point': return point_aggregation(cvs, dataset, xfield, yfield, zfield, geometry_field, agg_func) elif geometry_type == 'line': return line_aggregation(cvs, dataset, zfield, agg_func) elif geometry_type == 'polygon': return polygon_aggregation(cvs, dataset, zfield, agg_func) elif geometry_type == 'raster': return raster_aggregation(cvs, dataset, agg_func, padding=source.raster_padding) else: raise ValueError('Unkown geometry type for {}'.format(dataset['name']))
[docs]def point_aggregation(cvs, data, xfield, yfield, zfield, geometry_field, agg_func): """ Compute a reduction by pixel, mapping data to pixels as points. Parameters ---------- cvs : datashader.Canvas The input canvas. data : pandas.DataFrame, dask.DataFrame, or xarray.DataArray/Dataset The input datasource. xfield, yfield, zfield : str Column names for the x, y, and z coordinates of each point. geometry_field: str Column name for geometry field. If provided, the xfield and yfield arguments will be ignored agg_func : Reduction, optional Reduction to compute. Default is ``count()``. Returns ------- agg : xarray.DataArray The transformed datasource. """ if zfield: if xfield and yfield: return cvs.points(data, xfield, yfield, getattr(ds, agg_func)(zfield)) elif geometry_field: return cvs.points( data, agg=getattr(ds, agg_func)(zfield), geometry=geometry_field ) else: raise ValueError('None of xfield, yfield, or geometry_field was provided') else: if xfield and yfield: return cvs.points(data, xfield, yfield) elif geometry_field: return cvs.points(data, geometry=geometry_field) else: raise ValueError('None of xfield, yfield, or geometry_field was provided')
[docs]def line_aggregation(cvs, data, zfield, agg_func): """ Compute a reduction by pixel, mapping data to pixels as one or more lines. Parameters ---------- cvs : datashader.Canvas The input canvas. data : pandas.DataFrame, dask.DataFrame, or xarray.DataArray/Dataset The input datasource. zfield : str Column names for z coordinate of each point. agg_func : Reduction, optional Reduction to compute. Default is ``any()``. Returns ------- agg : xarray.DataArray The transformed datasource. """ if zfield: return cvs.line(data, geometry='geometry', agg=getattr(ds, agg_func)(zfield)) else: return cvs.line(data, geometry='geometry')
[docs]def polygon_aggregation(cvs, data, zfield, agg_func): """ Compute a reduction by pixel, mapping data to pixels as one or more filled polygons. Parameters ---------- cvs : datashader.Canvas The input canvas. data : pandas.DataFrame, dask.DataFrame, or xarray.DataArray/Dataset The input datasource. zfield : str Column names for z coordinate of each point. agg_func : Reduction, optional Reduction to compute. Default is ``any()``. Returns ------- agg : xarray.DataArray The transformed datasource. """ if zfield: return cvs.polygons(data, 'geometry', agg=getattr(ds, agg_func)(zfield)) else: return cvs.polygons(data, 'geometry')
[docs]def raster_aggregation(cvs, data, interpolate='linear', padding=0, agg_method=rd.max()): """ Sample a raster dataset by canvas size and bounds. Parameters ---------- cvs : datashader.Canvas The input canvas. data : xarray.DataArray, xr.Dataset or dask.Array The input datasource. interpolate : str, default=linear Resampling mode when upsampling raster. Options include: nearest, linear. padding : int, default=0 The padding to be added over the coordinates bounds range. agg_method : Reduction, default=datashader.reductions.max() Resampling mode when downsampling raster. The supported options include: first, last, mean, mode, var, std, min, The agg can be specified as either a string name or as a reduction function, but note that the function object will be used only to extract the agg type (mean, max, etc.) and the optional column name; the hardcoded raster code supports only a fixed set of reductions and ignores the actual code of the provided agg. Returns ------- agg : xarray.DataArray The transformed datasource. """ xmin, xmax = cvs.x_range ymin, ymax = cvs.y_range xdrange = (xmax - xmin) * (1 + 2 * padding) ydrange = (ymax - ymin) * (1 + 2 * padding) xsize = cvs.plot_width * (1 + 2 * padding) ysize = cvs.plot_height * (1 + 2 * padding) if padding > 0: new_xmin = xmin - xdrange new_ymin = ymin - ydrange new_xmax = xmin + xdrange new_ymax = xmin + ydrange else: new_xmin = xmin new_ymin = ymin new_xmax = xmax new_ymax = ymax stcvs = ds.Canvas(plot_width=xsize, plot_height=ysize, x_range=(new_xmin, new_xmax), y_range=(new_ymin, new_ymax)) try: agg = stcvs.raster(data, interpolate=interpolate, agg=agg_method) # revert to match the coord system =[::-1] except ValueError: agg = xr.DataArray(np.zeros(shape=(ysize, xsize), dtype=np.uint32), coords={'x': np.linspace(new_xmin, new_xmax, xsize), 'y': np.linspace(new_ymin, new_ymax, ysize)}, dims=['x', 'y']) return agg
additional_transforms = {'hillshade': hillshade, 'quantile': quantile}
[docs]def apply_additional_transforms(source: MapSource, agg: xr.DataArray): """ Apply additional transforms over the data, which options could be ``hillshade`` or ``quantile``. Parameters ---------- source : mapshader.sources.MapSource The map source object. agg : xarray.DataArray The transformed datasource. Returns ------- source : mapshader.sources.MapSource The map source object. agg : xarray.DataArray The newly transformed datasource. """ agg = agg.astype('float64')[ == 0] = np.nan for e in source.extras: if e in additional_transforms: trans = additional_transforms.get(e) if trans is not None: agg = trans(agg) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid transform name {e}') return source, agg
[docs]def shade_discrete(agg, color_key, name='shaded', alpha=255, nodata=0): """ Convert a DataArray to an image by choosing an RGBA pixel color for each value by discrete approach. Parameters ---------- agg : xarray.DataArray The input datasource. color_key : dict Categories colors. name : str, default=shaded Name of the datasource array. alpha : int, default=255 Value between 0 - 255 representing the alpha value to use for colormapped pixels that contain data. nodata : int, default=0 The maximum data value, all the values less than this will be replaced with 0. Returns ------- img : xarray.DataArray A DataArray representing an image. """ if not agg.ndim == 2: raise ValueError("agg must be 2D") data = ds.utils.orient_array(agg) # check for dask array if isinstance(data, da.Array): data = data.compute() else: data = data.copy() # support grouped color_key first_cat = tuple(color_key.keys())[0] if isinstance(first_cat, (list, tuple)): cats = [] colors = [] for categories, val in color_key.items(): cor = rgb(val) for c in categories: cats.append(c) colors.append(cor) else: cats = color_key.keys() colors = [rgb(color_key[c]) for c in cats] rs, gs, bs = map(np.array, zip(*colors)) h, w = agg.shape r = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8) g = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8) b = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8) for i, c in enumerate(cats): value_mask = data == c r[value_mask] = rs[i] g[value_mask] = gs[i] b[value_mask] = bs[i] a = np.where(np.logical_or(np.isnan(r), r <= nodata), 0, alpha) img = np.dstack((r, g, b, a)).astype('uint8').view(dtype=np.uint32).reshape(a.shape) return tf.Image(img, coords=agg.coords, dims=agg.dims, name=name)
[docs]def shade_agg(source: MapSource, agg: xr.DataArray, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax): """ Convert a DataArray to an image by choosing an RGBA pixel color for each value. Parameters ---------- source : mapshader.sources.MapSource The input datasource. agg : xarray.DataArray The input datasource. xmin : float X-axis minimum range. ymin : float Y-axis minimum range. xmax : float X-axis maximum range. ymax : float Y-axis maximum range. Returns ------- img : xarray.DataArray A DataArray representing an image. """ df = zfield = source.zfield geometry_type = source.geometry_type how = source.shade_how cmap = source.cmap span = source.span if isinstance(cmap, dict): = return shade_discrete(agg, color_key=cmap) else: if span and span == 'min/max' and geometry_type == 'raster': # TODO: make this work for dask # TODO: don't need to calculate min each time...move into MapSource print('Shade Raster with Span ({}, {})'.format(float(df.min().item()), float(df.max().item()) + 1)) img = tf.shade(agg, cmap=cmap, how=how, span=(int(df.min(skipna=True).item()), int(df.max(skipna=True).item())+1)) # TODO: don't do this unless we need to...check source.padding return img.loc[{'x': slice(xmin, xmax), 'y': slice(ymax, ymin)}] elif span and span == 'min/max': print('Shade with Span') return tf.shade(agg, cmap=cmap, how=how, span=(np.nanmin(df[zfield]), np.nanmax(df[zfield]))) elif isinstance(span, (tuple, list)): return tf.shade(agg, cmap=cmap, how=how, span=span) else: print('Shade without Span') return tf.shade(agg, cmap=cmap, how=how)
[docs]def to_raster(source: MapSource, xmin: float = None, ymin: float = None, xmax: float = None, ymax: float = None, height: int = None, width: int = None): """ Export a MapSource object to a raster object. Parameters ---------- source : mapshader.sources.MapSource The input datasource. xmin : float X-axis minimum range. ymin : float Y-axis minimum range. xmax : float X-axis maximum range. ymax : float Y-axis maximum range. height : int Height of the output aggregate in pixels. width : int Width of the output aggregate in pixels. """ if height is None and width is None: width = 1000 sxmin, symin, sxmax, symax = source.full_extent if xmin is None: xmin = sxmin if ymin is None: ymin = symin if xmax is None: xmax = sxmax if ymax is None: ymax = symax # handle null h/w if height is None: x_range, y_range = ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) height = height_implied_by_aspect_ratio(width, x_range, y_range) if width is None: x_range, y_range = ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) width = height_implied_by_aspect_ratio(height, y_range, x_range) # handle out of bounds if xmin < sxmin and ymin < symin and xmax > symax and ymax > symax: agg = tf.Image(np.zeros(shape=(height, width), dtype=np.uint32), coords={'x': np.linspace(xmin, xmax, width), 'y': np.linspace(ymin, ymax, height)}, dims=['x', 'y']) return agg return create_agg(source, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, None, None, None, height, width)
[docs]def render_map(source: MapSource, # noqa: C901 xmin: float = None, ymin: float = None, xmax: float = None, ymax: float = None, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None, height: int = None, width: int = None): """ Export a MapSource object to a map object. Parameters ---------- source : mapshader.sources.MapSource The input datasource. xmin : float X-axis minimum range. ymin : float Y-axis minimum range. xmax : float X-axis maximum range. ymax : float Y-axis maximum range. x, y, z : float The coordinates to be used to get the bounds inclusive space along the axis. height : int Height of the output aggregate in pixels. width : int Width of the output aggregate in pixels. """ if x is not None and y is not None and z is not None: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = tile_def.get_tile_meters(x, y, z) sxmin, symin, sxmax, symax = source.full_extent # handle null extent if xmin is None: xmin = sxmin if ymin is None: ymin = symin if xmax is None: xmax = sxmax if ymax is None: ymax = symax # handle null h/w if height is None and width is None: width = 1000 if height is None: x_range, y_range = ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) height = height_implied_by_aspect_ratio(width, x_range, y_range) if width is None: x_range, y_range = ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) width = height_implied_by_aspect_ratio(height, y_range, x_range) # handle out of bounds if xmax < sxmin or ymax < symin or xmin > symax or ymin > symax: agg = tf.Image(np.zeros(shape=(height, width), dtype=np.uint32), coords={'x': np.linspace(xmin, xmax, width), 'y': np.linspace(ymin, ymax, height)}, dims=['x', 'y']) img = shade_agg(source, agg, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) else: agg = create_agg(source, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, x, y, z, height, width) if source.span and isinstance(source.span, (list, tuple)): agg = agg.where((agg >= source.span[0]) & (agg <= source.span[1])) source, agg = apply_additional_transforms(source, agg) img = shade_agg(source, agg, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) # apply dynamic spreading ---------- if source.dynspread and source.dynspread > 0: img = tf.dynspread(img, threshold=1, max_px=int(source.dynspread)) return img
def tile_to_disk(img, output_location, z=0, x=0, y=0, tile_format='png'): """ Write a tile image to local disk Parameters ---------- img: xarray.DataArray aggregation data array of the tile to write to image x, y, z : float The coordinates to be used to get the bounds inclusive space along the axis. output_location: str Path to write tile image Returns ------- None """ tile_file_name = '{}.{}'.format(y, tile_format.lower()) tile_directory = os.path.join(output_location, str(z), str(x)) try: os.makedirs(tile_directory) except OSError as e: import errno if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise output_file = os.path.join(tile_directory, tile_file_name) # save to local disk print(f'Writing tile ({x, y, z}) to {output_file}'), tile_format) return output_file def tile_to_s3(img, output_location, z=0, x=0, y=0, tile_format='png'): """ Parameters ---------- img output_location z x y tile_format Returns ------- """ try: import boto3 except ImportError: raise ImportError('conda install boto3 to enable rendering to S3') try: from urlparse import urlparse except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urlparse s3_info = urlparse(output_location) bucket = s3_info.netloc s3_client = boto3.client('s3') tile_file_name = '{}.{}'.format(y, tile_format.lower()) key = os.path.join(s3_info.path, str(z), str(x), tile_file_name).lstrip('/') output_buf = BytesIO(), tile_format) s3_client.put_object(Body=output_buf, Bucket=bucket, Key=key, ACL='public-read') return 'https://{}{}'.format(bucket, key) def render_tile(source, output_location, z=0, x=0, y=0, tile_format='png'): agg = render_map(source, x=int(x), y=int(y), z=int(z), height=256, width=256) if 0 in agg.shape: return None try: from PIL.Image import fromarray except ImportError: raise ImportError('conda install pillow to enable rendering to local disk') # flip since y tiles go down (Google map tiles) img = fromarray(np.flip(, 0), 'RGBA') if output_location.startswith('s3:'): tile_to_s3(img, output_location, z, x, y, tile_format) else: # write to local disk tile_to_disk(img, output_location, z, x, y, tile_format)
[docs]def get_source_data(source: MapSource, simplify=None): """ Get MapSource data and return as dict or GeoDataFrame depending on the geometry type. Parameters ---------- source : mapshader.sources.MapSource The input datasource. simplify : int, default=None Get the simplified representation of each geometry according to the toleranced distance. Returns ------- gdf : GeoDataFrame or dict The Mapsource data """ if isinstance(, spd.GeoDataFrame): gdf = elif isinstance(, gpd.GeoDataFrame): gdf = else: # TODO: add proper line geojson (core.render_geojson) if source.geometry_type in ('line', 'raster'): return return if simplify: gdf = gdf.copy() gdf[source.geometry_field] = gdf[source.geometry_field].simplify(simplify) return gdf
[docs]def get_legend(source: MapSource): """ Get the MapSource legend. Parameters ---------- source : mapshader.sources.MapSource The input datasource. Returns ------- legend : list of dict """ if source.legend is not None: return source.legend return []
[docs]def render_geojson(source: MapSource, simplify=None): """ Export a MapSource object to a geojson object. Parameters ---------- source : mapshader.sources.MapSource The input datasource. simplify : int, default=None Get the simplified representation of each geometry according to the toleranced distance. Returns ------- geojson : string """ data = get_source_data(source, simplify) if isinstance(data, dict): return json.dumps(data) return data.to_json()
[docs]def render_legend(source: MapSource): """ Get the MapSource legend and return as a JSON string. Parameters ---------- source : mapshader.sources.MapSource The input datasource. Returns ------- geojson : string """ return json.dumps(get_legend(source))
def render_services(services: list): """ Get the MapService dictionary representation and return as a JSON string. Parameters ---------- services : List of mapshader.service.MapService The input datasource. Returns ------- geojson : string """ service_list = [] for service in services: service_list.append(service.to_dict()) return json.dumps(service_list)