Source code for mapshader.sources

from functools import lru_cache as memoized

import os
from os import path
import sys

import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd

from mapshader.colors import colors
from import load_raster
from import load_vector
from mapshader.transforms import get_transform_by_name
from .multifile import MultiFileRaster

import spatialpandas

[docs]class MapSource: """ This class represents a map source object. Parameters ---------- name : str Service name. description : str Service description. filepath : str Relative path to the data file. legend : list of dict Service legend, which could be defined the name, color, value, and category. config_path : str Relative path to the config file. data : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Service source data. geometry_type : str Geometry type. key : str Service route root. text : str The service introduction text. fields : list of str The geometry fields. span : str or tuple of int; Min and max data values to use for colormap/alpha interpolation when wishing to override autoranging. geometry_field : str, default=geometry The geometry field name. xfield : str, default=geometry The x field name. yfield : str, default=geometry The y field name. zfield : str The z field name. agg_func : str Reduction to compute. raster_interpolate : str, default=linear Resampling mode when upsampling raster. Options include: nearest, linear. shade_how : str, default=linear The interpolation method to use. Valid strings are 'eq_hist', 'cbrt', 'log', and 'linear'. cmap : list of colors or matplotlib.colors.Colormap, default=viridis The colormap to use for 2D agg arrays. color_key : dict or iterable The colors to use for a 3D (categorical) agg array. dynspread : int The maximum number of pixels to spread on all shape sides. extras : list of str The additional transforms over the data, which options could be 'hillshade' or 'quantile'. raster_padding : int, default=0 The padding to be added over the coordinates bounds range. service_types : list of str The service types, which options could be 'tile', 'image', 'wms', and 'geojson'. full_extent : tuple of int The coordinate of the lower left corner and the coordinate of the upper right corner in map units. default_extent : list of int The service starting extent. default_height : int, default=256 Height of the output aggregate in pixels. default_width : int, default=256 Width of the output aggregate in pixels. overviews : dict The factors and values to be used when reducing the data resolution. transforms : list of dict The transforms to be applied over the data, which options could include: 'reproject_raster', 'reproject_vector', 'orient_array', 'cast', 'flip_coords', 'build_raster_overviews', 'build_vector_overviews', 'squeeze', 'to_spatialpandas', 'add_xy_fields', 'select_by_attributes', 'polygon_to_line', and 'raster_to_categorical_points'. preload : bool, default=False Preload the data after the service started. force_recreate_overviews : bool, default=False For overviews to be recreated even if they already exist. tiling: dict, default=None Settings for saving tile images to an output location """
[docs] def __init__(self, # noqa: C901 name=None, description=None, filepath=None, legend=None, config_path=None, data=None, geometry_type=None, key=None, text=None, fields=None, span=None, route=None, geometry_field='geometry', xfield='geometry', yfield='geometry', zfield=None, agg_func=None, raster_interpolate='linear', shade_how='linear', cmap=colors['viridis'], color_key=None, dynspread=None, extras=None, raster_padding=0, service_types=None, full_extent=None, storage_options=None, region_of_interest=None, default_extent=None, default_height=256, default_width=256, overviews=None, transforms=None, band=None, attrs=None, preload=False, force_recreate_overviews=False, tiling=None): if fields is None and isinstance(data, (gpd.GeoDataFrame)): fields = [geometry_field] if zfield: fields.append(zfield) if extras is None: extras = [] if transforms is None: transforms = [] if overviews is None: overviews = {} if service_types is None: service_types = ('tile', 'image', 'wms', 'geojson') if span == 'min/max' and zfield is None and geometry_type != 'raster': raise ValueError('You must include a zfield for min/max scan calculation') if legend is not None and geometry_type == 'raster': if legend[0].get('value') is not None: cmap = {} for leg in legend: cor = leg['color'] val = leg['value'] if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): val = tuple(val) cmap[val] = cor val = 20037508.3427892 if default_extent is None: default_extent = [-val, -val, val, val] = name self.description = description self.filepath = filepath self.config_path = config_path self.geometry_type = geometry_type self.key = key self.text = text self.legend = legend self.fields = fields self.span = span self.route = route self.xfield = xfield self.raster_padding = 0 self.yfield = yfield self.zfield = zfield self.agg_func = agg_func self.overviews = overviews self.raster_agg_func = raster_interpolate self.shade_how = shade_how self.cmap = cmap self.color_key = color_key self.dynspread = dynspread self.extras = extras self.service_types = service_types self.transforms = transforms self.storage_options = storage_options self.default_extent = default_extent self.default_width = default_width self.default_height = default_height self.preload = preload self.geometry_field = geometry_field = band self.force_recreate_overviews = force_recreate_overviews self.region_of_interest = region_of_interest self.tiling = tiling self.is_loaded = False = data # autoload if overviews are present contains_overviews = bool(len([t for t in transforms if 'overviews' in t['name']])) if self.preload or contains_overviews: self.load()
@property def load_func(self): raise NotImplementedError() def load(self): """ Load the service data. """ if self.is_loaded: return self if is None: if self.config_path: ogcwd = os.getcwd() config_dir = path.abspath(path.dirname(self.config_path)) os.chdir(config_dir) try: data_path = path.abspath(path.expanduser(self.filepath)) finally: os.chdir(ogcwd) elif self.filepath.startswith('zip'): print('Zipfile Path', file=sys.stdout) data_path = self.filepath elif self.filepath.startswith('s3://'): print('S3 Path', file=sys.stdout) data_path = self.filepath elif not path.isabs(self.filepath): print('Not Absolute', file=sys.stdout) data_path = path.abspath(path.expanduser(self.filepath)) else: print('Using Given Filepath unmodified: config{self.config_file}', file=sys.stdout) data_path = self.filepath data = self.load_func( data_path, self.transforms, self.force_recreate_overviews, self.storage_options, self.geometry_field, self.region_of_interest, ) else: data = if self.fields: data = data[self.fields] = data self._finish_load() return self def _finish_load(self): if self.is_loaded: return self if not isinstance(, MultiFileRaster): self._apply_transforms() self.is_loaded = True def _apply_transforms(self): print('# ----------------------', file=sys.stdout) print(f'# APPLYING TRANSFORMS {}', file=sys.stdout) print('# ----------------------', file=sys.stdout) for trans in self.transforms: transform_name = trans['name'] print(f'\tApplying {transform_name}', file=sys.stdout) func = get_transform_by_name(transform_name) args = trans.get('args', {}) if 'overviews' in transform_name: self.overviews = func(, **args) else: = func(, **args) # apply transforms to overviews if they exist for level, overview_data in self.overviews.items(): self.overviews[level] = func(overview_data, **args) return self @staticmethod def from_obj(obj: dict): transforms = obj.get('transforms') if transforms and isinstance(transforms, (list, tuple)): n = 'raster_to_categorical_points' has_to_vector = len([t for t in transforms if t['name'] == n]) else: has_to_vector = False if obj['geometry_type'] == 'raster' or has_to_vector: return RasterSource(**obj) else: return VectorSource(**obj)
[docs]class RasterSource(MapSource): """ This class represents a raster source object. Parameters ---------- MapSource : mapshader.sources.MapSource The map source object. """ source_type = 'raster' @property def load_func(self): return load_raster @property @memoized() def full_extent(self): if hasattr(, "full_extent"): return else: return (['x'].min().compute().item(),['y'].min().compute().item(),['x'].max().compute().item(),['y'].max().compute().item())
[docs]class VectorSource(MapSource): """ This class represents a vector source object. Parameters ---------- MapSource : mapshader.sources.MapSource The map source object. """ source_type = 'vector' @property def load_func(self): return load_vector @property @memoized() def full_extent(self): if isinstance(, spatialpandas.GeoDataFrame): return[self.geometry_field].total_bounds elif isinstance(, gpd.GeoDataFrame): return[self.geometry_field].total_bounds elif isinstance(, pd.DataFrame): minx, miny, maxx, maxy = ([self.xfield].min(),[self.xfield].max(),[self.yfield].min(),[self.yfield].max() ) return minx, miny, maxx, maxy
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFAULT MAP SOURCES # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def world_countries_source(): # construct transforms select_by_attrs_transform = dict(name='select_by_attributes', args=dict(field='name', value=['Antarctica', 'Fr. S. Antarctic Lands'], operator='NOT IN')) reproject_transform = dict(name='reproject_vector', args=dict(epsg=3857)) sp_transform = dict(name='to_spatialpandas', args=dict(geometry_field='geometry')) overviews_transform = dict(name='build_vector_overviews', args=dict(levels={'0': 10000, '1': 2500, '2': 1250, '3': 650, '4': 300, '5': 150, '6': 75, '7': 32, '8': 20, '9': 10, '10': 5}, geometry_field='geometry')) transforms = [select_by_attrs_transform, reproject_transform, overviews_transform, sp_transform] # construct value obj source_obj = dict() source_obj['name'] = 'World Countries' source_obj['key'] = 'world-countries' source_obj['text'] = 'World Countries' source_obj['description'] = 'World Country Polygons' source_obj['geometry_type'] = 'polygon' source_obj['agg_func'] = 'max' source_obj['shade_how'] = 'linear' source_obj['span'] = 'min/max' source_obj['raster_interpolate'] = 'linear' source_obj['xfield'] = 'x' source_obj['yfield'] = 'y' source_obj['zfield'] = 'pop_est' source_obj['filepath'] = gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres') source_obj['transforms'] = transforms source_obj['service_types'] = ['tile', 'wms', 'image', 'geojson'] return source_obj def world_boundaries_source(): # construct transforms select_by_attrs_transform = dict(name='select_by_attributes', args=dict(field='name', value=['Antarctica', 'Fr. S. Antarctic Lands'], operator='NOT IN')) reproject_transform = dict(name='reproject_vector', args=dict(epsg=3857)) polygon_to_line_transform = dict(name='polygon_to_line', args=dict(geometry_field='geometry')) sp_transform = dict(name='to_spatialpandas', args=dict(geometry_field='geometry')) transforms = [select_by_attrs_transform, polygon_to_line_transform, reproject_transform, sp_transform] # construct value obj source_obj = dict() source_obj['name'] = 'World Boundaries' source_obj['key'] = 'world-boundaries' source_obj['text'] = 'World Boundaries' source_obj['description'] = 'World Country Boundaries' source_obj['geometry_type'] = 'line' source_obj['agg_func'] = 'max' source_obj['shade_how'] = 'linear' source_obj['cmap'] = ['aqua', 'aqua'] source_obj['raster_interpolate'] = 'linear' source_obj['xfield'] = 'x' source_obj['yfield'] = 'y' source_obj['filepath'] = gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres') source_obj['transforms'] = transforms source_obj['service_types'] = ['tile', 'wms', 'image', 'geojson'] return source_obj def world_cities_source(): # construct transforms reproject_transform = dict(name='reproject_vector', args=dict(epsg=3857)) add_xy_fields_transform = dict(name='add_xy_fields', args=dict(geometry_field='geometry')) sp_transform = dict(name='to_spatialpandas', args=dict(geometry_field='geometry')) transforms = [reproject_transform, add_xy_fields_transform, sp_transform] # construct value obj source_obj = dict() source_obj['name'] = 'World Cities' source_obj['key'] = 'world-cities' source_obj['text'] = 'World Cities' source_obj['description'] = 'World Cities Point Locations' source_obj['geometry_type'] = 'point' source_obj['agg_func'] = 'max' source_obj['cmap'] = ['aqua', 'aqua'] source_obj['shade_how'] = 'linear' source_obj['dynspread'] = 2 source_obj['raster_interpolate'] = 'linear' source_obj['xfield'] = 'X' source_obj['yfield'] = 'Y' source_obj['filepath'] = gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_cities') source_obj['transforms'] = transforms source_obj['service_types'] = ['tile', 'wms', 'image', 'geojson'] return source_obj def nybb_source(): # construct transforms reproject_transform = dict(name='reproject_vector', args=dict(epsg=3857)) sp_transform = dict(name='to_spatialpandas', args=dict(geometry_field='geometry')) transforms = [reproject_transform, sp_transform] # construct value obj source_obj = dict() source_obj['name'] = 'NYC Admin' source_obj['key'] = 'nyc-boroughs' source_obj['text'] = 'NYC Boroughs' source_obj['description'] = 'New York City Boroughs' source_obj['geometry_type'] = 'polygon' source_obj['agg_func'] = 'max' source_obj['shade_how'] = 'linear' source_obj['span'] = 'min/max' source_obj['dynspread'] = None source_obj['raster_interpolate'] = 'linear' source_obj['xfield'] = 'geometry' source_obj['yfield'] = 'geometry' source_obj['zfield'] = 'BoroCode' source_obj['filepath'] = gpd.datasets.get_path('nybb') source_obj['transforms'] = transforms source_obj['service_types'] = ['tile', 'wms', 'image', 'geojson'] return source_obj def elevation_source(): # find data path HERE = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) FIXTURES_DIR = path.join(HERE, 'tests', 'fixtures') elevation_path = path.join(FIXTURES_DIR, 'elevation.tif') # construct transforms squeeze_transform = dict(name='squeeze', args=dict(dim='band')) cast_transform = dict(name='cast', args=dict(dtype='float64')) orient_transform = dict(name='orient_array') flip_transform = dict(name='flip_coords', args=dict(dim='y')) reproject_transform = dict(name='reproject_raster', args=dict(epsg=3857)) overviews_transform = dict(name='build_raster_overviews', args=dict(levels={'2': 1250, '3': 650})) transforms = [squeeze_transform, cast_transform, orient_transform, flip_transform, reproject_transform, overviews_transform] # construct value obj source_obj = dict() source_obj['name'] = 'Elevation' source_obj['key'] = 'elevation' source_obj['text'] = 'Elevation' source_obj['description'] = 'Global Elevation Dataset' source_obj['geometry_type'] = 'raster' source_obj['shade_how'] = 'linear' source_obj['cmap'] = ['white', 'black'] source_obj['span'] = (58, 248) source_obj['raster_padding'] = 0 source_obj['raster_interpolate'] = 'linear' source_obj['xfield'] = 'geometry' source_obj['yfield'] = 'geometry' source_obj['filepath'] = elevation_path source_obj['transforms'] = transforms source_obj['service_types'] = ['tile', 'wms', 'image', 'geojson'] return source_obj def elevation_source_netcdf(): # find data path HERE = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) FIXTURES_DIR = path.join(HERE, 'tests', 'fixtures') elevation_path = path.join(FIXTURES_DIR, '') # construct transforms transforms = [] # construct value obj source_obj = dict() source_obj['name'] = 'Elevation NetCDF' source_obj['key'] = 'elevation-netcdf' source_obj['text'] = 'Elevation NetCDF' source_obj['description'] = 'Global Elevation Dataset (NetCDF)' source_obj['geometry_type'] = 'raster' source_obj['shade_how'] = 'linear' source_obj['cmap'] = ['white', 'black'] source_obj['span'] = (58, 248) source_obj['raster_padding'] = 0 source_obj['raster_interpolate'] = 'linear' source_obj['xfield'] = 'geometry' source_obj['yfield'] = 'geometry' source_obj['filepath'] = elevation_path source_obj['transforms'] = transforms source_obj['service_types'] = ['tile', 'wms', 'image', 'geojson'] return source_obj